Learning the Chain Links of Photography Success w/ Jeff Lubin
PPW Education Online - Thursday, June 22nd beginning at 6pm
Fee: Free
Questions: Contact Chris Wooley
Since he began his career in 1983, to continue to be successful, Jeff Lubin, M.Photog, Cr. had to evolve with the times to stay relevant.
We all know that a chain breaks at its weakest link. If you want to be competitive in today’s world of portrait photography, you have all the links of the chain operating seamlessly.
Although you could break this down in a micro sense, in the macro view of the links are as follows:
⦁ Photography⦁ Branding⦁ Website, Facebook, and other social media⦁ Your image both personally and in your studio⦁ Pricing⦁ Marketing⦁ Sales presentation
Jeff will go over how each of these links must be learned and incorporated in your studio as a whole to produce the highest level of profits and overall success. You will come away with a clear picture of how these links work together and where you need to concentrate your efforts to shore up your weakest links.
Jeff's sensitive and unique style has won him many national and state awards. He earned the coveted Master of Photography Degree from the Professional Photographers of America in 1992, after only three years of competition. The following year, Jeff received the Craftsman Degree. Jeff twice won the Grand Photographic Award from the Virginia Professional Photographers Association, designating him as a top photographer in Virginia. He also has twice been named Portrait Photographer of the Year by the Maryland Professional Photographers.
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