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March 15, 2025  Registration is OPEN!


If photography is an important part of your life, don't miss the biggest PPW event of the year!

Entering your state competition is one of the best ways to push yourself to be more. You'll learn where you stand—how your photography matches up with your peers. You'll learn about the 12 Elements of a Merit Image, and start incorporating them into your daily photography. You'll learn what it takes to create a merit image and if you stick with it, you may be a Trophy or Award Winner. To see what they are check them out on Trophy & Award Goals. 

You'll learn you're capable of so much more than you imagined. It's perfectly normal to be a little nervous going in, but don't be afraid of getting better.

It's easy to get involved. Use the 12 Element guides to fine-tune your four best images. 
12 Elements of an Image pdf

And if you can, make sure you attend the judging. The photographic competitions are open to the public, and it's the best way to maximize your learning potential. Whether you've entered images or not, watching is a great way to grasp what the judges are looking for. The PPA-approved jurors are some of the best in the business—photographers who truly care about raising the bar in the industry.  They use a scale of 100 points to judge an image. Here is their Scoring Card pdf .

Here is a list of the categories for image competition and the past winning images.

The Professional Photographers of Washington

27088 Ohio Ave NE
Kingston, WA 98346

(360) 818-4348

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