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NW District - Projection Sales with ProSelect

  • 08 Apr 2014
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Turner Photographics studio, 1106 Harris Avenue, Suite 205, Bellingham, WA 98225
PPW Northwest District and Bellingham Photographers

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Social Time:    7:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Program:         7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Where:      Turner Photographics Studio, 1106 Harris Avenue, Suite 205, Bellingham, WA 98225

Cost:         PPW Members: Free

                 Non-members: $5

RSVP by noon on April 8 to Mark Turner <> 360-671-6851

Projection Sales with ProSelect

Are you selling portraits mostly through online web galleries? Are you thrilled with the size of your sales from each client?

Photographers who have switched from online to in-person sales almost universally report dramatically increased sales from each session, usually double or more.

It’s much easier to ask a client to pull our their credit card for $1000 or more in person than through an impersonal website. You can gently guide them to choose appropriate sizes for their wall, help them select premium finishes, and add frames. The client that walks in expecting to buy little 8x10s just may walk out delighted to have invested in a 20x24.

Mark Turner will demonstrate the key features of ProSelect, the leading in-person photographer’s sales tool. He’ll walk through a sales session, demonstrating the mood-setting slideshow, the image selection process, the very powerful room view, showing portraits at finished size, creating multi-image groupings, adding mats & frames, and the detailed order report clients leave with. He’ll touch on the setup process as well.

Special to all who attend: a $69 discount code for any new ProSelect purchase through April 27.

Mark has been using ProSelect for family, senior, and pet portrait sales since 2009.

If there’s interest, we’ll adjourn to a nearby pub to continue the conversation afterwards.

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