PPW Merits can be earned in two different "categories": Print and Service. This Chart of Merits document lists all the ways that you can earn a merit.
PPW image merits and trophy merits can be earned through Image Competition at the PPW Annual Educational Spring Conference. To learn more about Trophy Goals here. To see Past Image Winners, click here.
Service merits are primarily earned through volunteering time to PPW. Various duties earn between 1 and 6 service merits. A complete listing of service merits is outlined in the downloadable Membership Directory. For more information you many contact the Citations chairperson on the State Officers page.
Service Merits may also be earned by full participation at certain PPW sponsored educational events. Different events have different merit values.
Whole or partial merits may also be earned through attending qualifying PPA events. Each member is responsible for reporting to the Citations Chairperson when they attend a qualifying event and must make that report within 12 months of the event.
PPW business merits can be earned through participation in the PPW business program. For more information, click here.
The Fellow of Photography degree is the highest degree awarded by the PPW and is earned after 50 merits are accumulated, with no less than 25 print merits and no less than 15 service merits. A neck ribbon with the Gold FP medallion is presented at the annual conference and the degree title "FP" may be used after your name (i.e. "Jane Doe, FP").
A Gold Bar is awarded for every additional 25 merits earned after 50. The gold bar is attached to the FP degree ribbon.
The Associate Fellow of Photography degree is awarded after 25 merits earned (at least 10 of service and the rest are either service or print merits). A neck ribbon with the Silver AFP medallion is presented at the annual conference and the degree title "AFP" may be used after your name (i.e. "Jane Doe, AFP").
A Silver Bar is awarded for every additional 25 merits earned after the first 25 and is attached to the AFP degree ribbon. Silver bars acknowledge members who continue to earn merits but do not have the necessary print or service merits to earn the FP degree. Upon achievement of the FP degree, the silver bars are exchanged for gold bars.
The Elite Fellow of Photography degree is for a Fellow of Photography Degree holder. The recipient much earn 7 image competition images scoring 85 or higher; earn 4 teaching merits through PPWEdu Classes; earn 4 PPW service merits and be a PPW member for 3 or more year of PPW.
The Fellow of Business degree is a additional degree for a PPW Member who earns 25 business merits from the Business Institute; 15 PPW service merits and a combination of 10 other merits of any category. They also must demonstrate basic proficiency in the following areas: Profitable pricing; Sales strategy and systems; Marketing planning and implementation, Operations systems, Outsourcing & managements; and Understanding business metrics. Click for more details on The Business Program.
“The 100 Club” Pin
A special Award pin to current members who have earned 100 or more merits in print competition over the years.
The highest award that can be given by the International PP of A, Inc. "For Service to Professional Photography"... a five word summation of the respect, admiration and appreciation earned by one individual. The National Award is given to outstanding individuals as chosen by PP of A State and Regional Affiliated Associations. While only one award is available on a yearly basis, an individual may not receive more than one National Award from the same Affiliated Association during his or her lifetime.
1959 R.R. Hutchison 1961 Chao Chen Yang 1962 Alma Gray 1963 Russ Clift 1964 Carl Lewis 1965 Hale Van Scoy 1966 Bruce Akins 1967 Charles Libby, Jr. 1968 Boyd W. DeBunce 1969 Lee Merrill 1970 Walt Richter 1971 Robert E. Tull, Sr. 1972 Gary Jentoft 1973 Merle L. Brown 1974 Ken Whitmire 1975 Gene Harmon | 1976 Lloyd Whiting 1977 Wilma Tul 1978 Dean Palmer* 1979 Bernice Workman 1981 Lindley Wicks, Sr. 1982 Robert Walters 1983 Mac McCleary 1984 Dean Parsons 1985 Jay M. Murray 1986 Catherine “Cay” Flagler 1987 Ann M. Stone 1988 Joanne L. Murray 1989 LeRoy Seeley 1990 Donald Rubenack, Sr. 1991 Larry D. Ikenberry 1992 Steven L. Conner | 1993 Ralph W. Allen III 1994 Dr. J. Stewart Lowther 1995 Mary Jo Allen 1996 Janet Rubenack 1997 Stephen K. Wolfe 1998 Gale J. Johnson 1999 Michael Elwell 2000 Bruce Hudson 2001 Matthew Weston 2002 Jeanne McGee 2003 Greg Jones* 2004 Craig Brubaker 2005 Anita Weston 2006 Robert Behm 2007 Samuel Gardner 2008 Dean Johnson | 2009 Michael Thresher 2010 Marie Martineau 2011 Nichelle Price 2012 Steve Vento 2013 Lance Johnson 2014 Jeff Fulks 2015 Faye Johnson 2016 Rich Breshears 2017 Sonja Yearsley 2018 Heidi Swoboda 2019 Chris Wooley 2020 Rachel Ikenberry 2021 Rachel Wooley 2022 Mike Busby 2023 Karissa Blunck 2024 Forrest Cooper |
1959 Bruce Akins 1960 Alma Gray 1961 Charles Libby, Jr. 1962 Hal Kaminski 1963 Hale Van Scoy 1963 Keith Fowler 1964 Lee Merrill 1965 Walt Richter 1966 Gary Jentoft 1967 Robert Tull, Sr. 1968 Earl Roberge 1969 Carl B. Lewis 1969 Russ Clift 1970 John Logan 1970 Jack Hutchison 1970 Ann M. Stone 1970 Ethel Shelton 1971 Gene Harmon 1971 Merle L. Brown 1971 Bernice Workman 1972 Russ Hugil 1973 Ken Whitmire | 1973 Hugh Hinkelman 1974 Dean Palmer 1974 Lloyd Whiting 1975 Bob Walters 1975 Wilma Tull 1976 Ken Dobbins 1976 Lindley Wicks, Sr. 1977 Gwen Craig Groves 1977 Mac McCleary 1978 Lynne Smith 1978 Jay M. Murray 1979 Dean Parsons 1979 Joanne L. Murray 1980 Jean Wicks 1981 LeRoy Seeley 1981 Larry Ikenberry 1984 Richard Johnson 1985 Mary Jo Allen 1985 Ralph W. Allen III 1986 Deborah Larsen 1987 Steven L. Conner 1988 Donald Rubenack, Sr. | 1989 Jack Keller 1990 Paul Caisse 1991 Stephen K. Wolfe 1992 Janet Rubenack 1993 Mike Elwell 1993 Gale J. Johnson 1994 Steve Vento 1995 Russell H. Rodgers 1996 Bruce Hudson 1996 Sue Hudson 1997 Virginia L. Rodgers 1997 David Grimes 1997 Jack Sherman 1998 Jeanne McGee 1998 Nick Jesch 1999 Matthew Weston 1999 Ken Whitmire 2000 Craig Brubaker 2001 Greg Jones 2001 Bill Jones 2001 Greg McCanless 2002 David O’Connor | 2002 Tari Simmons 2002 Anita Weston 2004 Robert Behm 2006 Pat Rush 2007 Dean Johnson 2008 Michael Thresher 2009 Nichelle Price 2010 Sam Gardner 2011 Faye Johnson 2012 Marie Martineau 2013 Bonnie Slagle 2014 Rob DiPiazza 2015 Lance Johnson 2016 Mark Turner 2017 Anita Weston 2018 Heidi Swoboda 2019 Bruce Hudson 2020 Mike Busby 2021 Rachel Ikenberry 2022 Carla Conrad 2023 Rachel Wooley 2024 Chris Wooley |
The recipient of this award is chosen by the Executive Board in recognition of extraordinary volunteer service to the PPW that has been done within the last 12 to 18 month period.
1999 Ron King 2005 Nichelle Price 2006 Marie Martineau 2007 Mary Thresher 2008 Rob Behm | 2009 Tina Ducker 2010 Bob Gassen 2010 Rachel Hathaway 2011 Jeff Fulks 2012 Lance Johnson | 2013 Faye Johnson 2014 Mark Turner 2015 Sonja Yearsley 2016 Rachel Ikenberry 2018 Julie Fitzpatrick | 2019 Larry Ikenberry 2020 Heidi Swoboda 2021 Chris Wooley 2022 Karissa Blunck 2023 Lara Grauer 2024 Adelle Lines |