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Who’s The Business Program for?

Anyone, part time or full time, wanting to make a profit at photography.

How much does the Business Program cost?

Prices are set for 2024, and are likely to increase in future years. The following applies for 2024:

The Business Institute costs $159 for PPW members and $199 for non-members.
The Advisory Board costs $240 annually for PPW members and $480 annually for non-members.

What is the takeaway for the 2024 Business Institute? 

1. Learn how to track your business metrics so you understand the health of your business

2. Learn how to set pricing that meets your sales goals and makes sense to clients

3. Learn how to implement a sales process that builds trust and gives you dependable results

What is a Business Merit? 

It is a merit that can be applied to the PPW Fellow of Business Degree. Earned by PPW members for attending and/or facilitating the following: 

1 full day at The Business Institute OR
3 Advisory Board meetings 

At this time, other business education events do not count toward the FB Degree’s Business Merits.

What is a Proficiency Credit? 

It is a validation from a PPW business proctor that you've met a minimum level of competency. Degree candidates must submit documents to prove mastery in 5 areas. (Topics with an asterisk (*) will be evaluated for proficiency criteria in 2024): 

1. Profitable Pricing*

2. Sales Strategy / Customer Journey*

3. Marketing Planning & Implementation

4. Operations Systems, Outsourcing & Management

5. Understanding Business Metrics*

What is the timeframe for earning an FB Degree? Currently it takes a minimum of 5 years. 

A candidate can earn up to 5 Business Merits per year (4 from Advisory Board, 1 from Business Institute). The Committee may consider adding more Business Merit opportunities in the future as the program develops.

Follow PPW on Social Media 

 The Professional Photographers of Washington, Inc.     •     27088 Ohio Ave NE    •    Kingston, WA 98346    •    (360) 818-4348    •   Contact Us  

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