PPW Northwest District and Bellingham Photographers
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Social Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Program: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Karen Mullen Photography
6789 La Bello Dr., Lynden, WA 98264
Cost: PPW Members: Free
Non-members: $5
RSVP by noon on February 11 to
Mark Turner <mark@turnerphotographics.com> 360-671-6851
Print Competition Image Selection & Titles
PPW Print Competition is coming up fast. The entry deadline is March 17 and judging is March 29 at the Spring Education Conference in Tacoma.
If you’re new to competition (or even if you’re not), bring up to eight (8) images you think might be competition-worthy to Karen Mullen’s studio on February 11 for help narrowing down your choices and brainstorming titles. Bring your images on a thumb drive, as JPEG files sized 2000 pixels on the long side. For albums, either bring the book or the whole album on a CD or thumb drive.
We’ll look at everyone’s images as a group, looking for the 12 Elements of a Merit Print < http://www.ppw.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1170414>: Impact, Technical Excellence, Creativity, Style, Composition, Presentation, Color Balance, Center of Interest, Lighting, Subject Matter, Technique, and Story Telling. Karen will guide the discussion, based on her years of entering prints that have merited.
We’ll also help each other come up with titles, since a good title can affect how competition judges interpret a print when it comes around.
Directions to Karen’s studio, and a map, can be downloaded from < http://turnerphotographics.com/private/Map_Mullen.pdf>.