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NW District - Reflect on 2013 and Plan for 2014

  • 07 Jan 2014
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Turner Photographics studio, 1106 Harris Ave Ste 205, Bellingham, WA 98225
PPW Northwest District and Bellingham Photographers

Tuesday, January 7

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Where:  Turner Photographics Studio, 1106 Harris Avenue Suite 205, Bellingham, WA 98225

RSVP by noon on January 7 to Mark Turner <> 360-671-6851

Reflect on 2013 and Plan for 2014

Reflect on the year just ended and plan for 2014 with your Bellingham photographer peers.

Bring a favorite beverage (beer, wine, whatever) and something tasty to share.

Here are some questions to stimulate the conversation:

• How did you grow your business when you first started out?

• How did you know when and what kind of outsourcing help to get? And how did you know when it was time to outsource it?

• What were your initial marketing efforts to spread the word about yourself, how did you attract new clients and retain repeat clients?

• What are your marketing strategies now?

• What are your goals for the new year?

• What plans do you have for the coming year.... re getting more education, learning new software, new marketing focus efforts, conferences?

• What do you wish you had known or done differently your first or second year out?

• What did you do recently that didn't pan out or work out as well as you had hoped? Or that worked out just great and really helped!

• Any new tips and tricks, software, websites, apps, or services you've found over the past year, like, say Sticky Albums, or outsourcing companies like ShootDotEdit that you would recommend?

• How confident are you about your ability to make 2014 a successful year for your photography business?

• What would make it better/easier?

• What would you love to see in Bellingham that would help move your business forward but that doesn't exist?

• If you're going to Imaging USA, what do you expect to learn or what are you shopping for at the trade show?

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