Photography on Tap Bellingham
PPW Northwest District and Bellingham Photographers
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Program: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Social Time: 9:00 – whenever at Maggie’s Pub in Ferndale
Where: Hovander Homestead Park, Ferndale, WA
Cost: PPW Members: Free
Non-members: $5
RSVP by noon on August 5 to Mark Turner <> 360-671-6851
Out-flash the Sun with High Speed Flash
High Speed Flash Synchronization allows you to shoot at fast shutter speeds with your DSLR camera and still use flash to control shadows or fully illuminate your subject. This tech marvel works by triggering the flash many times while the shutter is open and travelling across the camera’s sensor.
At this demonstration and play session you’ll see how high speed flash sync works with the Canon system, using the latest Speedlight 600EX-RT flash units, which also incorporate built-in wireless triggering.
We’ll also have conventional small flash units and a couple of powerful White Lightning studio flashes so you can compare what’s possible with different systems.
Here are a couple of scenarios where you might want to have high-speed flash sync capability:
Scenario 1: you’ve got a portrait or wedding and the client insists the only time they can make it is mid-day when the sun is at it’s brightest. You’ve placed your client with their back to the sun to get nice rim lighting. Now you want to add some light to their face, but use a large aperture to blur the background. It’s time for high-speed flash.
Scenario 2: You want to completely control the exposure on your portrait subject on a sunny day while creating a dramatic, dark sky behind them. It’s time for high-speed flash.
We’ll adjourn to Maggie’s Pub in Ferndale afterward to continue discussion if there’s enough interest.
Thanks to Mike Gurley at Canon for providing the latest equipment for this program.