Photography on Tap Bellingham
PPW Northwest District and Bellingham Photographers
Monday, April 1, 2013
Social Time: 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Program: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Turner Photographics Studio
1106 Harris Avenue, Suite 205, Bellingham, WA 98225
Cost: PPW Members: Free
Non-members: $5
RSVP by noon on April 1 to Mark Turner <> 360-671-6851
Pricing for Profit
No one can tell you what to charge for your services, but if you aren’t taking into account all the time and costs that go into your photography then you won’t know whether you’re profitable when those jobs come rolling in.
Do you know the difference between your cost of sales and your general overhead expenses? Do you know how your studio’s percentages stack up against studios across the country?
Do you know the difference among cost-based pricing, competitive-based pricing, and demand-based pricing? And when you might want to use each method?
This program will introduce you to business concepts and benchmarks shown to be best practices for profitability by the Professional Photographers of America.
Mark Turner will be the discussion leader. Don’t worry, you won’t have to share any details about how much your business makes.
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The Professional Photographers of Washington, Inc. • 27088 Ohio Ave NE • Kingston, WA 98346 • (360) 818-4348 • Contact Us
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