Strengthening your Family Portrait Skills

with Adilfa Ford, M.Photog.,Cr,CPP 

Saturday, April 5th  at 9:00 - 1:00pm PDT

Can you leap over tall buildings in a single bound, stop a locomotive with your bare hands, or run faster than a speeding bullet? No? Neither can I. But I can work with a crying child, deal with teenagers with attitude, and reassure a grouchy grandparent while posing a family of 30 people half of them under 10 years old in 15 minutes or less. In my business that's a superpower worth having. In this new world of I have a camera, I am a professional photographer, large family photographers are still in a class of their own. Most of my lower priced competition either can't or won't photograph large families leaving this very lucrative market to a very few.

Adilfa Ford of Don Polo Photography has been successfully working this market for over 30 years photographing routinely families of 50 and 60 people. In this program we will talk about marketing, booking, posing, selling, retouching, and printing. Everything you ever wanted to know about family portrait photography
in one program. Okay, maybe not everything but at least enough to get you going and hopefully help you to make more money. Bring your camera for the hands-on instruction and practice photographing a real family on location. In the photography world superpowers are learned, not earned so join us for this powerful family portrait program.

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Adilfa Ford

Adilfa Ford is the owner and president of Don Polo Photography Inc., a fine art portrait and wedding photography studio in business for over 30 years. Adilfa prides herself on exceptional customer service and the best quality product in the industry. That and her exciting and dynamic personality have made Don Polo Photography one of the intermountain area’s leading portrait studios.

Adilfa is a past president of the Intermountain Professional Photographer’s Association (IPPA). She currently represents the state of Utah on the PPA Council, was an International Committee Member for 4 years and currently serves on the Ethics and Bylaws Committee. She has served for 17 years on the Heart Gallery committee to promote adoption through professional photography and believes very strongly in business giving back to the community through service and charity events.

Adilfa’s says that her greatest accomplishment in this life is her marriage of over 39 years, her 3 children and 2 grandchildren.

Adilfa’s favorite quote is “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.”               - Helen Keller

The Professional Photographers of Washington

27088 Ohio Ave NE
Kingston, WA 98346

(360) 818-4348

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